Recovery plan for Europe
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Italia Domani, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood


Training Course on the Measurement Reliability in Mycotoxin Analysis

22 November 2022 13:30 - 17:00 (UTC+3) 23 November 2022 9:30 - 13:30 (UTC+3)

The training course will be organised by the EURAMET members UME and INRiM. For countries developing metrology and QA systems, the issue of food safety is a key concern. The contamination of food and feed by mycotoxin can have serious adverse effects on humans and animals ranging from gastrointestinal and kidney disorders to immune deficiency and cancer. Regulatory limits for mycotoxins have been implemented in many countries to protect human health. These regulatory limits need to be supported by measurement infrastructure for mycotoxin analysis. In order to control and improve measurement quality, validated analytical methods, ensuring accuracy and traceability of the measurement results, are essential. TUBITAK, together with INRIM and with support from all EMN members, is organising a joint EMN Safe and Sustainable Food and MycoTWIN (GA no. 952337) training course on measurement reliability in mycotoxin analysis. This training will provide participants with an overview on mycotoxin analysis and will outline the metrological approach to establisih reliability, comparability and traceability of analytical results. The training course will include presentations by MycoTWIN experts and experienced NMI/DI representatives from the EMN’s members and stakeholders. The training is open to EFSA, EURLs and NRLs, the IUPAC, standardisation bodies, and representatives of all other related institutes or laboratories. The training course will start in the afternoon of 22 November and continue in the morning of 23 November.

The training course aims:

-to raise the awareness of the importance of metrological traceability and reliable measurements in mycotoxin analysis;
-to share knowledge and experience about metrological requirements among project partners and stakeholders in the field of mycotoxin;
-to achieve communication with relevant stakeholders in the field of mycotoxin analysis.

To register and more information click here:
