Recovery plan for Europe
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Italia Domani, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood

cover monografia

"A glance at circularity": Best practices to counter food waste

In Italy, the agri-food sector represents excellence in terms of quality, safety, innovation, sustainability, biodiversity, respect for tradition, and connection with the territory and cultural heritage.

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The deadline for the open calls of the Early Phase Implementation of METROFOOD-RI has been extended to April 19th

The deadline for submitting applications, originally set for 12:00 PM on April 15th, has been extended to 12:00 PM on Friday, April 19th.


The Belgian node of METROFOOD-RI kicks off: METROFOOD-FED.BE starts

A significant development for the European research infrastructure METROFOOD-RI: recently, METROFOOD-FED.BE was launched. It’s a project funded for three years by BELSPO (Belgian Science Policy Office) for the implementation of METROFOOD-RI at the Belgian federal level.

open event

How structural biology can support the agrifood sector?

The 6th of May will be held, in Rome, an Open event dedicated to the Agrifood sector with the aim to present the opportunities provided by Structural Biology in this field.


METROFOOD-EPI webinar series starts in May

The research infrastructure METROFOOD-RI, which entered its Early Phase of Implementation (EPI) in January 2024


Webinar METROFOOD-IT: New Techniques for Food Safety

With March, the cycle of webinars organized by METROFOOD-IT has entered its central phase.
