Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open Access Data in support to the Agrifood
METROFOOD-EPI: A Comic Book to Showcase How Science Can Drive Innovation

A comic book specifically designed to captivate and engage young people with the themes of research and innovation in the agrifood sector. This is the project created by the METROFOOD-EPI team, which as part of its dissemination and communication activities, decided to focus on a medium that is increasingly proving to be successful in conveying educational and scientific content. Comics can ensure an effective understanding of complex topics while providing the right amount of entertainment for younger generations, thanks to their vivid visuals and storytelling infused with humor.
The story featured in the comic book published by METROFOOD-EPI revolves around one of the hottest topics in the agrifood world: innovation and sustainability in packaging. The protagonists are three young METROFOOD researchers—Peter, Jane, and Kate—who collaborate to find a solution to the widespread use of plastics and microplastics, which are known to have a significant impact on the environment and ecosystems.
Specifically, the team focuses on creating an alternative to single-use packaging by reusing food waste to develop sustainable packaging. A trip to Trentino-Alto Adige inspires the researchers to experiment with apple peels, transforming them from mere scraps into an innovative and fully sustainable packaging material. After numerous trials and experiments, the METROFOOD team successfully develops a packaging solution in the lab that is not only compostable but also capable of enriching the soil.
The final message is one of science truly and concretely contributing to a better future for all.